Let us face it, there is nothing to hate about Android and if there were then they would probably be minimal. Actually, Android comes with a host of benefits from free availability to being customizable. To make it even better, it is available not only in your smartphone but also on your Television, car, smartwatch to mention a few. Â Despite this, there are bugs introduced to Android because of logic errors. The good news is that these bugs are easy to prevent as long as you get the basics right. That aside, today we are going to have a look at common mistakes Android developers make.
- Developing For Your Android Device
Unless you are trying to create a promo app for a single tablet, high chances are your Android app is never going to look appealing on every device. This is because density-independent pixels tend to be different from normal pixels. Furthermore, you will also have to include the resources multiple times if you are to account for the different orientations and densities. The good news is that you are going to cover all the possible scenarios that make your app look good on other devices as long as you exercise patience.
- Blocking the Main Thread
The main thread as we know serves one single purpose i.e. Making sure the user interface is responsive. Well, blocking the main thread can end up leading to a host of problems. For instance, the app user’s action will have a delayed feedback. Worse, the Android app you have developed might fail to respond.  To avoid blocking the main thread, you should always use background threads for bitmap loading, database querying, network calls, and image processing to mention a few.
- Not Using Fragments
A while back, Android introduced the idea of fragments. For those who might not know, these are separate building blocks having their own life cycles. They are tasked with the main responsibility of optimizing for various screens and one can combine or reuse them at will. Unfortunately, launching a different activity for each app screen will prove inefficient, as the system will try to store them in memory as long as it can. Some Android app developers think that killing one is going to free the other. However, this is not really the case and hence you need to use fragments where possible. Actually, when going through an Tutorial Android, you will notice cursor loaders and fragments will always have a good purpose but poor implementation.
The Bottom Line
Android app developments involves more than many people tend to think. Â It is therefore advisable that you first go through a Tutorial Laptop and understand what is in store for you before you can venture into Android app development. Â Through this action, it will prove quite easy in identifying any mistakes you might be making before it leads to problems. Never shy away from asking for help as it is the only way you can learn more.