Bank on Yourself is a concept that allows you to become your own banker. In Short, It is a concept by which you can create an infinite bank for yourself with the help of a whole life insurance policy. There are many Myths surrounding it such as it is a complex process or it is only for affluents. But here we are going to talk about some of the truths about the “Bank on Yourself” concept. Here are some of them.
Some truths about “Bank on Yourself”
● The Bank On Yourself method is the safest, most predictable way to build personal wealth
With just simple math, you can easily predict the number of returns you will receive. There is no catch in that, you pay premiums, your cash stores in the policy, and you receive interest on that. Not only that but with the help of the Bank on Yourself concept you are also getting a safe place to store your money, which you can then use to borrow funds.
● You can use the Bank On Yourself method with any size of financial goal
Yes, you heard that right. There is a myth that is for affluents but that is not correct. There is no limit on a financial goal. You can leverage the bank on yourself concept to create a bank for yourself or you can simply invest for the returns. There is no cap on your financial goal.
● The Bank On Yourself method is flexible, so you can tailor it to fit your unique circumstances
The concept of Bank on Yourself is an excellent way to build wealth. On top of that, it is also flexible, which means you have the option to pay your premium in advance or you can also take some time.
Concepts such as Bank on Yourself will allow you to create a bank for yourself. However, it is not that easy to implement. And, for that, you can take the help of a professional by visiting Along with that, you can learn everything about Bank on yourself and related topics for free at