Numerous factors will always affect the free car insurance quotes you get, no matter who it is from. But how they differ changes from company to company. For example, one auto insurance company might raise your rates by 15 percent if you reside in a high-crime areas, while another might only charge 5 percent.
Of course, both insurance companies are looking at the amount of crime in your neighborhood. However, these insurance companies calculate your insurance risk differently. Having said that, below are a few factors that determine car insurance quotes.
Personal Characteristics
Personal traits like your age, gender, marital status and education level will affect free car insurance quotes, depending on where you live. After all, insurers use statistics about certain demographics to predict how likely a person is to crash. For example, teen drivers generally have higher insurance rates since they are more likely to get in a car accident than almost any other age group.
Your Driving History
Your driving history, such as history of accidents, speeding tickets and DUIs will always raise your car insurance rates. Things are not any different if you’re a new driver and don’t have a driving record yet. To get the cheapest free car insurance quotes possible, you’d require a lengthy driving history with no recent traffic violations.
Location will also an important aspect of how much your coverage costs. The amount of coverage needed to legally drive a car tends to vary by state. For this reason, average rates for similar policies vary immensely. Other details regarding your location play a role in your insurance cost, too. Crime, population density, and crash rates around your neighborhood are all factors auto insurance companies factor in.
The Bottom Line
Insurance companies will always factor in numerous things before issuing free car insurance quotes to drivers. The good news is you can now take advantage of what auto insurance comparison sites offer drivers to ensure you enjoy money-saving benefits on your policy. So, what are you waiting for before you finally insure your car without pocking holes in your wallet?