Any current business plan must include social media management. Social media is a cave of success for online businesses. Not only to online businesses but it applies to individual creators too. Businesses and individual creators spend buckets of money on social media management, however, there is one thing that needs to learn in priority, handling negative comments. The best way to deal with negative comments on social media is through effective social media management. Luckily, there are some methods to create a brand image out of negative comments. Let’s find out
Methods to deal with bad online comments
● To stay ahead of the game, use social media listening.
Instead of ignoring them, listen to them. Not every bad comment is coming out of jealousy or anger, some of them are genuine and can help you to improve your products. You can ask the commenter for more information to show them that you are actively listening to their queries. However, managing all the comments could be a headache if done manually. Then what is the solution? Social media listening tools. Use them to track all the comments, reply to the genuine ones, get the idea and implement it.
● When it comes to customer service on social media, speed is crucial.
People write critical comments online for a variety of reasons, one of which is that they don’t believe they are being heard. Respond to their complaints quick and prove them wrong. Quickly responding to their queries shows that you are active and trying to understand their issues. Although it is also difficult to do it manually, there are social media management tools that could help you.
● Build a community out of them
Yes, it is indeed possible. The genuine bad comments are the ones looking for solutions. Therefore, you can build a community for them just like a forum or group, and there they can either solve each other’s queries or you can do so. That way you have All the bad comments away from your social media, in one place and also sorted. With the help of this method, you can easily build rapport with your customers, who were ones saying bad things about your company. You can put out some community guidelines to tackle inappropriate comments. Although establishing community guidelines as they are the customers with complaints. However, with a proper understanding, you can master this method.
Handling negative comments online could result in a community of customers. However, leading the art of handling negative comments without any social media tool could be troublesome. Therefore, get more info on handling negative comments online by visting the media one marketing website.