Education systems around the world seem to be taking a different directions due to the new trends that are taking place worldwide.Without a proper plan in place, we are at a risk of disrupting our education system without noticing. This will eventually have an impact on the future generation if not dealt with as early as possible. In this article, we are going to have a look at some international trends that are set to affect education systems around the world.
- Threat Posed By Artificial Intelligence
There is a lot of concern about the threat posed by artificial intelligence on jobs. This is because employers are left divided between first class humans or second class robots.Despite the warnings, employers continue reducing their workforce and focusing on technological inventions.Still, education systems need to equip young people with the necessary skills if they are to adapt and update for the changes taking place in the job market.
However, many people are still worried on how to develop human talent which can never be replicated by machines. When this is done perfectly, we will no longer have to worry about being replaced by machines in our place of work.
- Migration on The Rise
It is not surprising to come across migrants in your country of residence since many people are running away from economic problems or even political crisis. Initially, most migrants would head to Europe. However, this seems to be changing since migrants now prefer Asia over Europe.This mobility tends to bring about cultural diversity and the ambition to interact with new arrivals. Still, it poses a great challenge to the education system of the host nation.
Schools are left in darkness on how to support the pupils who are arriving from a different country. Furthermore, most schools do not know how to raise the question about integration and identity. When not handled swiftly, schools will find themselves in a dilemma on how to handle migrants and citizens of that particular nation.
- Gap between the Rich and Poor
The gap between the poor and the rich seems to be widening as days go by.This inequality has found a way to make it to the doorsteps of schools. For instance, in some countries the richest people earn more income than the poorest. Such division is one of the biggest challenges that schools have to deal with.Governments must, therefore, find a way to deal with the economic inequality by offering fair access to opportunity if students are to work hard.
Global mega trends have already changed the education system in most counties. Now is the time for governments to put in place strict measures if they are to save future generations. If not, we will be forced to deal with an illiterate society or one where your education does not matter. This in turn slows down the economic growth rate since the number of unemployed individuals will increase.