As a marketer, there are quite a number of things that you should be working on. From e-mail marketing, paid advertising, webinars to e-books, you need to make sure you are doing it perfectly if you are to run your business successfully. However, you must put most of your focus on high leverage activities if you are to stand a chance of competing with your competitors at the same level.
Among the high leverage activities that you can spend most of your time working on is Search Engine Optimization commonly abbreviated as SEO. If you manage to make one of your blog posts ranked highly on Google for a broad keyword, then you will be driving thousands of visitors to your site each and every month.
Boosting Your SEO Rankings
In order to improve the rank of your blog posts on Google, you need to make sure you are boosting your SEO rankings. This will mean having a look at your blog posts once again before publishing them. A great way to check whether you are going to get the most out of your blog posts is by making use of an SEO checker. With an SEO checker, you can get to know how your blog post is going to fair on even before you post it. The good news is that you can make use of a free SEO checker available online. However, before you do this, you will need to boost your SEO ranking.
- Improve What Already Works
One of the ways in which you can boost your SEO ranking is by improving on what you already have. Instead of trying to use a new method that you are not conversant with, you can simply work with what you have. However, you need to make sure you are using online tools such as an SEO metrics checker if you are to determine whether you are heading in the right direction.
- Get the Most Out of Broken Links
Building broken links is among the most effective strategies that you can use in growing your SEO rankings. However, before you do this, you must first determine the websites in your industry that contain broken links to your site. Once you identify these websites, you have to go through the page to find the broken links. You should remember to activate the plugin for a given page after which you can replace the broken links with your own resources. To know whether broken links are working, you can decide to check website traffic using the numerous tools available online.
In order to achieve success with SEO, you need to ensure that you are keeping track of everything that is taking place. This will mean using sites such as Bulk SEO Checker, a renowned tool for link building, website purchasing and SEO growth. With such a tool, you are sure to know how your blog posts are faring on by simply having a look at your website metrics.