How To Know If You Have Clogged Arteries


Blocked arteries is a major condition that most people suffer from. This condition can cause serious problems if they prevent blood from reaching crucial parts of the body such as the heart or brain. The worst part is that it’s very hard to identify different symptoms of blocked arteries. You only realize this condition after going through a threatening issue such as stroke.

Sometimes the only way to identify if you have clogged arteries is to undergo a screening test. These screenings include carotid Doppler ultrasound, which can check for blockages that might put you at risk of a stroke. Continue reading to know more about the symptoms of blocked arteries.

Signsof Clogged Arteries

Clogged arteries don’t always cause any common symptoms so the problem is often missed unless it causes a medical emergency such as heart attack or stroke. Sometimes, there may be early signs that an artery is blocked before it causes a serious problem. Angina occurs when there is a certain blood blockage in the blood vessel supplying the heart.

It can cause symptoms such as chest pain, breathlessness, heart palpitations and sweating. Mini-strokes can also occur when there is blockage affecting the brain. The symptoms can be weakens on one side of your body, loss of vision or slurred speech. Soit’s important you pay attention to these signs and immediately see a doctor.

TestFor Clogged Arteries

One of the tests done is cardiac screening to reveal whether you are at risk of clogged arteries by testing issues such as high cholesterol. If you are at high risk, you’re experiencing problems such as angina, then there are some tests that can look inside your arteries to check for blockages.

An echocardiogram is an ultrasound that can help assess the risk of heart diseases. While a carotid Doppler screening allows the doctors measure the blood flow through the arteries that supply your brain. This screening is used to evaluate the risk of a stroke.

Final Thoughts

Identification of arteries blockage can be a bit difficult. Unless a screening is done, then it will be hard to identify. Make sure you follow this guide and have special screenings. If any issues are detected during these tests, treatment may help to improve the blood flow through your clogged arteries and reduce the risks of higher conditions.

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